Design tokens are small, reusable design decisions that make up a design system's visual style. Tokens replace static values with self-explanatory names.
A design token consists of 2 things: * A code-like name, such as md.ref.palette.secondary90 * An associated value, such as #E8DEF8
The token's value can be one of several things: A color, typeface, measurement, or even another token.
Learn more
To learn more about the tokens used in Material design 3, read here
Primary Colors¶
Name | Color Code |
Primary | #8a4a65 |
On Primary | #ffffff |
Primary Container | #ffd9e5 |
On Primary Container | #390721 |
Secondary Colors¶
Name | Color Code |
Secondary | #705d0d |
On Secondary | #ffffff |
Secondary Container | #fce186 |
On Secondary Container | #231b00 |
Tertiary Colors¶
Name | Color Code |
Tertiary | #595892 |
On Tertiary | #ffffff |
Tertiary Container | #e2dfff |
On Tertiary Container | #15134a |
Error & Background Colors¶
Name | Color Code |
Error | #ba1a1a |
On Error | #ffffff |
Error Container | #ffdad6 |
On Error Container | #410002 |
Background | #fff8f8 |
On Background | #21191c |
Name | Font Family | Weight |
Display Large | Brand | Regular |
Display Medium | Brand | Regular |
Display Small | Brand | Regular |
Headline Large | Brand | Regular |
Headline Medium | Brand | Regular |
Headline Small | Brand | Regular |
Title Large | Brand | Regular |
Title Medium | Plain | Medium |
Title Small | Plain | Medium |
Label Large | Plain | Medium |
Body Large | Plain | Regular |
Body Medium | Plain | Regular |
Body Small | Plain | Regular |
Corner Type | Value |
None | NaN |
Extra-small | NaN |
Small | NaN |
Medium | NaN |
Large | NaN |
Extra-large | NaN |
Full | NaN |
Primary Opacity¶
Opacity Level | Color Code |
Opacity-08 | #65558f |
Opacity-12 | #65558f |
Opacity-16 | #65558f |
On Primary Opacity¶
Opacity Level | Color Code |
Opacity-08 | #ffffff |
Opacity-12 | #ffffff |
Opacity-16 | #ffffff |
Name | Color Code |
Primary | #006b5f |
On Primary | #ffffff |
On Primary Container | #00201c |
Secondary Container | #cde8e1 |
Tertiary | #456179 |
On Surface | #171d1b |
Surface Variant | #dae5e1 |
On Surface Variant | #3f4946 |
Outline | #6f7976 |
Outline Variant | #bec9c5 |
Scrim | #000000 |
Inverse On Surface | #ecf2ef |
Surface Bright | #f4fbf8 |
Surface Container | #e9efec |
Surface Container High | #e3eae7 |
Surface Container Highest | #dde4e1 |
Name | Color Code |
Primary | #69567f |
Primary Container | #e6cefe |
Tertiary Container | #ffc8dc |
On Tertiary Container | #5f3346 |
On Surface | #1d1b1e |
On Surface Variant | #4a454d |
Inverse On Surface | #f5eff3 |
On Primary Fixed | #241338 |
Component Name | Color Code |
Component Container | #f7faf8 |
Variant Outline | #bec9c5 |
Camera | #2e2e2e |